Alex Miller, Allen & Unwin, Author, Book review, England, Fiction, literary fiction, Publisher, Setting

‘The Tivington Nott’ by Alex Miller


Fiction – paperback; Allen & Unwin; 180 pages; 2013. Review copy courtesy of the publisher.

It somehow seems appropriate to post this review on the day of the Grand National, a horse race over jumps that has its roots in both hunting and steeplechasing (in which farmers would race their horses from one church steeple to another, jumping over ditches, hedges and whatever else happened to get in the way as they did so). Whatever you think of the National, there’s no doubt that it demonstrates the superb athleticism of the horse. It also demonstrates the special relationship between horse and rider — how the two can work as one to achieve great feats of courage and stamina.

That’s one of the central themes of Alex Miller‘s debut novel, The Tivington Nott, which was first published in 1989, but has just been made available to British readers for the first time thanks to a reprint by the publisher Allen & Unwin UK. It is an extraordinarily vivid account of one young man’s participation in a stag hunt on the Exmoor borders and is filled with beautiful descriptions of Nature and the countryside — “the last ancient homeland of the wild red deer in England” — as well as depicting the bond between horse and rider like nothing I have ever read before.

An outsider’s view

The story is set in 1952 on a farm in Somerset, where the unnamed narrator is a teenage labourer from London struggling to fit in. The first part of the novel sets out to describe how he is at odds with everyone around him — he refuses to call his boss master as tradition dictates, gets bullied by local labourers and is viewed with disdain by the farmer’s wife (“Mrs Roly-Poly”) who believes “boys from London cannot be trusted”.

The only person with whom he should feel some affinity is another outsider, Major Fred Alsop, a retired Australian army officer trying too hard to be accepted by the locals who secretly despise him. The Major wears the attire of the landed gentry, talks too loudly and goes about as if he owns the place (“An Australian horseman in fancy dress prancing around on Exmoor. Out of a book, this bloke. A tourist!”). But even our narrator cannot fail to notice that the Major will never fit in —  he is tolerated because he has a rather impressive, and much sought-after, black stallion imported from Australia called Kabara.

It is Kabara that forms the bridging link between the first part of the story and the (far larger) second part, because our narrator ends up riding the stallion in the stag hunt, which is so evocatively described that you feel as if you are right there in the saddle with him.

Based on real people and events

Alex Miller makes no secret that this book is largely autobiographical — he, too, was a farm labourer in West Somerset when he was 15, before he emigrated to Australia alone when he was 17 . His “author’s note” at the front of my edition claims that all the characters are based on real people and that he even used some of their real names.

This probably explains why the novel feels so authentic and “animated”. You get such a sense of the claustrophobic closed social system in which he finds himself that it’s hard not to share his loneliness and alienation. And it’s easy to understand why he so identifies with Kabara, a gutsy stallion who defies the odds to compete with other horses more used to challenging West Country terrain than him, and the “Tivington nott”, a local stag that has no antlers rumoured to live in the area.

What I loved most about the book was the sense of adventure and excitement it conveys as the narrator rides second horse to the stag hunt. Every little moment of the chase is recorded — the uphill battles, the treacherous descents, the death-defying jumps — so that most of the time your heart is in your throat willing him to stay on the horse and keep in sight of the hounds. And all the time Miller is conscious of conveying the mysterious beauty of the natural world.

In front of me the wide silent ride winds deep into the dark green and dun shadows of the ancient woods. I peer down this track, shaded and thick on either side with bracken and underbrush. A bird is calling repeatedly in there; a sharp short urgent sound, again and again. Then it stops and everything is silent and still around me. Those great dogs are in there too, somewhere. They are intently unravelling the labyrinth of animal scents, some of them perhaps staying true to the peculiar signature of the Haddon stag, approaching his secret lair, working the complex line closer to him by the minute.

Threaded into this thrilling narrative are little insights into various characters — the houndsman Grabbe, the whipper-in Matthew Tolland, the red-coated huntsman Perry, the chairman of the Hunt Damages Committee Harry Cheyne and the master of the hunt, Mrs Grant, among others — so that a well rounded picture of this close-knit community, where class and social standing is everything, is evoked.

But this is not just a fast-paced spinetingling read: the conclusion is a deeply moving one as our narrator realises Kabara has found his place, but he still hasn’t quite found his…

10 thoughts on “‘The Tivington Nott’ by Alex Miller”

  1. It’s so good, Lisa. I actually think I will read this again, because it’s so jampacked with detail I’m sure I missed a lot the first time around. Admittedly, I might be a bit biased about the subject matter based on past career history, but even so I do think he has captured something quite special with this book.


  2. Hope you can get it, Debbie. It has only just been published (April 4) and I believe the rest of his back catalogue will be made available in the UK over the course of the year. It’s about time the rest of the world got the chance to read Australia’s best kept secret! 🙂


  3. If it doesn’t give away the plot, please tell me why the young man left London? Does he mention that he spent the war in the countryside or did he stay in London throughout the war?


  4. The Tivington Nott, which was first published in 1989, has just been made available to British readers for the first time thanks to a reprint by the publisher Allen & Unwin UK.
    I don’t want to wait much longer – Belinda Bauer has made Exmoor seem dark and threatening it will be good to look back on a gentler time but when life was tough


  5. I read this yesterday, Kim (I think it almost has to be read in one day as it is impossible to put down once the narrator mounts Kabara and the hunt begins) and completely agree with your assessment. Miller’s affinity with the landscape and nature is to the fore here making the people moving through it seem even smaller and more transitory than even the huge Australian landscapes of ‘Journey to the Stone Country’, ‘Watching the Climbers on the Mountain.’ etc do. I was utterly enthralled. It seems to me to be one of those close to perfect short novels that could easily sit alongside ‘A Month in the Country’ and ‘One Fine Day’, and one which I will definitely return to. The only downside of reading it was that I now only have one more of his novels to read (‘The Ancestor Game’).


    1. I think I read this in a day as well… it’s just so gripping and exciting, isn’t it? And I love the way he writes about the English landscape too. He has a real eye for being able to describe Nature, regardless of which side of the world he is writing about.

      I feel for you only having one more Miller to read. I’m like that with McGahern — it’s been like that for about 8 years because I just cannot bring myself to read it knowing that is the end of the line: there will never be another new McGahern book in the offing. At least Miller’s still writing and there’s always the prospect of a new book on the horizon.


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